July 6, 2021

Post Pandemic Self-Care…What Now? Local Mental Health, Substance Use & Social Service Resources

In June, the BHPMW team hosted a series of webinars lead by local mental health providers in the area with a focus on learning valuable coping skills as well as understanding more about the programs and services that are available in MetroWest. Sessions were provided in English, American Sign Language, Spanish, and Portuguese and focused on connecting people with the right help and resources to promote healthy self-care. This series was sponsored by the City of Framingham. 

Watch the webinar recordings and view presentations below!

Post Pandemic Self-Care…What now? Local Mental Health, Substance Use & Social Service Resources (English/ASL)

Download the presentation slide deck here:

Post Pandemic Self-Care… What now? Local Mental Health, Substance Use and Social Service Resources

Webinar Sobre la Pandemia y la Salud Mental (Spanish)

Descargue la plataforma de diapositivas de la presentación aquí:

BHPMW – Presentation Spanish

Saúde Mental: Mitos e Verdades. Aprenda os Conceitos Básicos de como Gerenciar sua Saúde Mental (Portuguese)

Baixe o conjunto de slides da apresentação aqui:

BHPMW Presentation Portuguese

Sponsored by the City of Framingham