June 12, 2023

MetroWest Care Connection Hosts Resource Fair in Downtown Framingham


On Tuesday, June 6, MetroWest Care Connection held a resource fair in downtown Framingham. One hundred people attended the event, which provided goods, supplies, and services to low-income adults and those facing housing insecurity.

Many local organizations and municipalities participated in the event, which was held on the Downtown Common between Howard and Park streets. Natick’s Wegmans provided free lunches for attendees, while Framingham’s Elegance Salon and Spa provided free haircuts. Nonprofit organization Hope and Comfort provided toiletries, flowers were donated by FJ Luxury Flowers, and a medical tent was provided by the Medical Reserve Corps for anyone in need of first aid. Attendees received assistance with MassHealth enrollment applications, and several organizations provided screening and support for mental health and substance use challenges. State network MassHire was on-hand to provide attendees with employment support.

Additional organizations providing services and supplies included Advocates, The Callahan Center, The City of Framingham, Daniel’s Table, Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Framingham Police Department, Framingham Public Health Department, Framingham Veteran’s Agent, Gratis Health Care, Health Care for All, Jewish Family Service, Justice Resource Institute, MetroWest Food Collaborative, MetroWest Health Foundation, Natick Police Department, South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Spectrum Health Systems, and Wayside Youth & Family Support Network.

“This event was truly a community collaboration,” says Shannon Ahern, project director for MetroWest Care Connection. “Resources are only valuable if those in need can access them, and this event was about all of us showing up for each other as neighbors.”

To view footage from the event and learn more about the community resources represented, click the button below.